

Please note that it is always possible to buy into a course even though the course has already started, either for a single session or for the rest of the course, if there is space available.

The price list is published subject to change.

Snillingafimi:  on Fridays at 11

Single class 3900 kr.

Hreyfifimion Saturdays 

Hreyfifimi 1 / for babies 1-2 years old /Saturdays at 9 and 10

Hreyfifimi 2 / for toddlers 2-3 years old /Saturdays at 11

Grunnþjálfunarfimi/Gþfimi: Tuesdays & Thursdays tat 4:30 pm for children 4-6 years old


FjölskyldulandMembership Cards & Entry Passes

See pricelist here

Longitudinal Test – 15,000 kr 

(book via message)

Individual Therapy(TSMT) – 7,000 kr / class

(book via message)


Booking starts by pressing the BOOK link here below. It will take you to our secure online store where you book the chosen course. You will receive an email from Hreyfiland shortly after you´ve booked your course to finalize the registration. Please note: Registration is binding and courses are non-refundable.

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