
The Therapist Recommends: Adamo Premium Baby Swings

Premium Baby Swings for the Comfort and Ideal Development of Infants and Toddlers

The benefits of swinging are truly therapeutic. One of the most obvious benefits is that a rocking motion can calm an upset child and bring happiness, joy, and sometimes even excitement.

There are, however, a range of benefits that are way more important for your child than any level of comfort. Swinging and rocking help develop balance and body coordination, support weight gain in premature babies, and accelerate the overall development of the nervous system. Here’s an article we wrote about this topic.

There are baby swings – and there is Adamo.

The one-point anchoring system and the gentle spring together allow the swing to move back and forth, up and down, and in a circular motion. This creates rich sensory input, engages the vestibular system, and thus, enhances its effects on the baby’s development.

Unlike any other baby swing, the ADAMO is shaped in a way that provides a comfortable and safe place for newborns, infants, and even toddlers—up to three years of age or 15 kg.

In the ADAMO swing, the child lies on their back so that their spine isn’t under pressure. The swing provides a soft nest for infants without deforming their skulls. Later, as babies grow and their muscles strengthen, they can sit up independently in the swing, thanks to the holes for the legs. Toddlers can even push themselves and have tremendous fun! The option of lying back will always be there if they get tired.

Due to its positive effects on children, the ADAMO swing is recommended by many movement therapists, conductors, and child development centers in Europe.

The swings are handmade in Europe from safe and ethically sourced materials, nothing more than 100% cotton and untreated beech wood. A few ADAMO swings are now available at Hreyfiland with a special Christmas discount for 18600 ISK! You can try and buy the swing during opening hours at Hreyfiland. If you’re interested, give us a call or write us a message!
